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The smart way to keep up with the times.
As a newspaper that prides itself on being the voice of the times and a mirror of Thailand, the Bangkok Post has continued to evolve while maintaining its core values of impartiality, accuracy and fair reporting and analysis.

Daily news and analysis remained the key focus of the Bangkok Post with special effort given to key events and developments. Apart from its regular coverage of the APEC Leaders Summit, for example, the Bangkok Post provided additional depth by securing and publishing a number
of exclusive interviews with leaders attending the summit. These included US President George W. Bush, Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamad, Singapore's Goh Chok Tong as well as exclusive articles from Australia's John Howard and Russia's Vladimir Putin. A commemorative four page special of the Royal Barge Procession was also produced.

Following initial improvements introduced in 2002, efforts continued this past year to review content and design, the results of which are expected to be unveiled in 2004.

New content expected to be introduced includes a new Metro column focusing on Bangkok city issues in the main section, eye-catching photo essays in Sunday Perspective, a How To column in the Sunday edition of Outlook and a regular Gardening column.

Moreover, the Bangkok Post continued to reflect the times in terms of its organisation. Indeed, it has never been shy about re-appraising costs and structures and making whatever changes are necessary to ensure it is ever lively and responsive to our readers' needs. In the past year, this has involved working out and adopting a more methodical and consistent approach to succession planning for staff retirement.

All-in-all, one might say that it was a typical year for the Bangkok Post —one of innovation and change for the better while preserving an uncompromising emphasis on maintaining and nurturing the highest standards of journalism in keeping with the respect we have for our readers and the sense of duty we feel to the greater good of Thailand.


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